Our 50-year reunion is less than a year away (October 2, 2020)! Visit our website: AustinHighSchoolClass1970FifiethReunion.myevent.com (Please Register! Check out who has RSVP’d!) Information provided regarding cost, venue sites, activities, hotel accommodations, etc. “Let It Be”
6 thoughts on “Reunion Information”
Who is the contact for the 1973 class reunion for this year?
The classes of 1962-1964 would like to host a reception for any athletes participating in varsity football during the 60s. Dates are to be determined, but such reception will take place at Homecoming 2023. We hope to have a Friday afternoon reception and also a Saturday morning breakfast for those interested. For those interested, and as dates and plans become established, we will make them known to the alumnae association.
Who is the contact for the 1973 class reunion for this year?
Raul Lerma
The classes of 1962-1964 would like to host a reception for any athletes participating in varsity football during the 60s. Dates are to be determined, but such reception will take place at Homecoming 2023. We hope to have a Friday afternoon reception and also a Saturday morning breakfast for those interested. For those interested, and as dates and plans become established, we will make them known to the alumnae association.
Any information on the 50th reunion of the class of 1974?
Hey Panthers from the Class of 1984!
We will be having our 40th Year High School Reunion on October 4th and 5th of 2024.
Please join our Facebook Page for updates. https://www.facebook.com/share/S3o8DJcKYrJXpug2/
1974 class reunion?