Current Projects


The Austin High School Alumni Association, in conjunction with the Austin High School faculty and staff, have awarded multiple scholarships to deserving Austin High School graduating students.  We hope that all recipients continue their hard work and prove that students from Austin High School come from the best school in El Paso.  Go Panthers!

Scholarship Donation

Graduate Gifts

Congratulations to the upcoming Panther Class!  The Austin High School Alumni Association has extended a 1 year membership to the Alumni Association to all Graduating Seniors. 

5 thoughts on “Current Projects

  1. The 8 track playing Bell and Howell system was hit by lighting and played all night causing a brand new Principle name Robert Taylor to have a electrician cut the wires to the tower. No Fire!!!

  2. The only 8 track found to play from the Tower was Oh Wisconsin the fight song! No Chimes 8 track has been found!

  3. Shane Gad from 1967 was the first to donate money for the Chimes in the Tower project! He gave me the seed money to start the Chimes in the Tower Project!

  4. We are now in 2022; are there any upcoming projects or updates? What is the minimum amount acceptable to be a member of the Alumni?

    1. Mr. Campos, due to the pandemic, we are currently focusing on rebuilding our ranks. We currently have 3 board positions available. Know anyone that might be interested? 😉

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